

Scandinavian Open CW Activity

Previous lotteries Lottery SCAG
Pos  Call  QSO   
1    SM5CVJ 124   
2    SA0BFW 113   
3    SM5COP 111   
4    SM5BTS 110   
5    SM5TA 108   
6    SM5HQN 105   
7    SM7OVA 99   
8    SM6AZZ 95   
9    SM4SEF 91   
10    SM5EIE 82   
11    SM6FKT 73   
12    SM7BUA 68   
13    DJ6UX 64   
14    SM4NSS 59   
15    SM6PNZ 52   
16    SM6HCI 51   
17    SM6TPJ 50   
18    OH3LS 48   
19    SM4LRA 47   
20    OH4SA 46   

SCAG Aktivity lottery SOCWA 2023
This Lottery is finnished!

All members who is participating in SOCWA have the chance to win two beutiful CW Keys: One Vibroplex Vibrokeyer and one Begali Simplex Pro. The Scandinavian CW Activity Group, SCAG is responsible for the activity lottery.

This also applies to you who live outside Scandinavia!

Rules for SCAG activity lottery in SOCWA:

Scandinavian CW Activity Group - SCAG - is an apolitical organization for Radio amateurs with a common interest in radio communication by telegraphy.

The board of the Scandinavian CW Activity Group wishes you good luck!

Vibroplex Vibrokeyer

Begali Simplex Pro